Hire in Qatar

Employ in Qatar with ease.


Qatari Rial (QAR, QR)


Arabic / English






24 hours

Employment Law

Employment Contracts in Qatar

Employees in Qatar are legally entitled to a written employment contract when hired for a position. Although English is widely spoken in Qatar, these contracts should generally be written in Arabic, the official language. The contract should also include all relevant employment details, such as wages, expected working hours, and any benefits or rights the employee will receive. Any reference to compensation shall be expressed in the local currency of Qatari Rials.

Working with our Qatar PEO, Remoly's team of local experts can provide assistance in drafting strong employment contracts that comply with local regulations.

Fixed Term

Probation0 – 6 months
Termination notice period1 month: 0 – 5 years of service 2 months: more than 5 years of service
Severance pay3 weeks salary per year of service


Probation0 – 6 months
Termination notice period1 month: 0 – 5 years of service 2 months: more than 5 years of service
Severance pay3 weeks salary per year of service

Qatar Working Hours

For most of the year, the maximum working week in Qatar is 48 hours, with no more than 8 hours per day. However, during Ramadan the working week in the country is reduced by 36 hours.

Holiday Policy

Qatar Vacation

Mandatory minimum paid leave in Qatar is based on years of service to the employer. Employees with one to five years of service are entitled to three weeks of paid vacation. Employees with more than five years of service are entitled to four weeks of paid leave.

As Qatar is a deeply religious country, Muslim employees are also entitled to a two-week one-time religious leave (unpaid) to perform the Hajj.

Qatar Sick Leave

Employees in Qatar are entitled to sick leave of up to two weeks after three months of service to their employer, when they can produce a medical certificate.

Parental Leave in Qatar

Women who have worked for the company for one year are entitled to 50 days of maternity leave. Among them, you can receive it 15 days before delivery and at least 35 days after delivery. In addition to this, they can spend additional time, but this is unpaid.

Male employees are not entitled to any paternity leave, but many companies choose to offer a stipend as part of their benefits package.

Dismissal and Severance in Qatar

Employees in Qatar are legally entitled to severance pay after one year of service to their employer. Payment is equivalent to:

  • Three weeks' salary per year would last five years.
  • Four weeks' wages are paid per year between six and ten years of employment.
  • Five weeks' salary per year between 11 and 20 years of service.
  • For more than 20 years of service, you will receive six weeks' salary per year.

Payments also include a living expenses allowance.

Generally, when an employer terminates an indefinite contract, employees with less than five years' service are entitled to 30 days' notice, while employees with more than five years' service are entitled to two months' notice.

For companies expanding overseas for the first time, dealing with employee layoffs and dealing with severance packages can be complicated. Remoly's Qatar PEOs can reduce risk for foreign companies and provide guidance along the way.

Qatar Tax

Employees in Qatar do not pay any income tax.

Health Insurance in Qatar

Qatari nationals have free or heavily subsidized access to state-funded health care. Foreign employees often require private insurance, so employers may choose to offer private insurance as part of their benefits package.

Salary and Benefits

Qatar’s Compensation Law

As of the end of 2020, the minimum wage in Qatar is QR 1,000 per month.

Minimum wage country comparison chart(in USD per month)
Switzerland (Geneva)$4,000

Benefits Administration in Qatar

It is common for employers in Qatar to offer benefit plans to their workers. However, setting up a benefits system in Qatar can be complex, especially if you are unfamiliar with the country's unique labor laws and administrative procedures.

Remoly can help you fast-track this phase of your Qatar expansion by providing tailored benefits administration services. Our experienced team can advise you on standard practices and handle all your benefits administration, allowing you to focus on expanding your organization in Qatar.