A Comprehensive Guide to Halal Certification in Indonesia

Halal certification holds significant sway over business continuity and profitability, underscoring its pivotal role in consumer trust and product viability. Securing this certification not only distinguishes your products in the market but also assures consumers of their compliance with halal standards.

Definition of Halal Certification

A Halal certificate is a formal declaration endorsed by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), affirming the adherence of a product to halal principles. This certification, mandated by regulatory bodies, is a prerequisite for affixing halal labels on product packaging, ensuring compliance with government regulations.

Process Flow for Halal Certification

1. Application Submission:

Provide essential documents including business details, product specifications, ingredients list, product management procedures, and halal assurance system documentation.

2. Document Verification:

The submitted documents undergo thorough scrutiny to ensure completeness.

3. Establishment of Inspection Agency:

A designated halal inspection agency is appointed to oversee the certification process.

4. Halal Testing and Evaluation:

Products undergo testing to ascertain their halal status.

5. Halal Fatwa Approval:

The halal status of products is validated through deliberations in halal fatwa meetings.

6. Certification Issuance:

Upon meeting all requirements, the halal certificate is issued.

Documents Required for Halal Certification Application

1. Business Information:

Include Business Identification Number (NIB) or other relevant permits.

2. Halal Supervisor Details:

Provide copies of ID, CV, halal supervisor certification, and appointment decree.

3. Product Specifications:

Ensure alignment between the certified product and its specifications.

4. Ingredients List:

Detail all raw materials, additional ingredients, and auxiliary materials used.

5. Product Processing Procedures:

Outline the entire process from procurement to distribution.

6. Halal Assurance System Documentation:

Present a comprehensive management system to ensure consistent halal production.

Halal Certification Service Fees

Service fees are governed by Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 57 of 2021 and outlined in the Decree of the Head of the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency Number 141 of 2021.

Application Procedure

Apply for halal certification conveniently online through

In conclusion, obtaining a halal certificate in Indonesia is a meticulous yet indispensable process for businesses seeking to establish credibility, gain consumer trust, and tap into the lucrative halal market segment.