Exploring Spouse vs. Dependent Kitas: A Guide to Indonesian Stay Permits for Foreign Families

Foreigners married to Indonesians or those working in Indonesia with families face a crucial decision regarding their stay permits: Spouse Kitas or Dependent Kitas? Each option comes with distinct features and qualifications. Let's delve into the disparities to help you make an informed choice for your family's future in Indonesia.

Definition of Kitas/ITAS

A Kitas, or Limited Stay Permit, enables foreigners to reside in Indonesia for a set period.

Spouse Kitas

This permit caters to foreign spouses of Indonesian citizens (mixed marriages) seeking to reunite with their families in Indonesia. However, holders cannot engage in employment within the country.

Sponsorship and Duration

Spouse Kitas requires sponsorship from the Indonesian citizen spouse. The permit typically lasts between six months to one year, extendable up to five times. Moreover, it can be converted into a permanent stay permit (KITAP).

Documentation Requirements

Applicants must furnish various documents, including a letter of application, passport, marriage certificate, and proof of financial means. Additional requirements may apply during the pandemic, such as vaccination certificates and health insurance.

Benefits of Spouse Kitas

This permit offers numerous advantages, including the ability to stay in Indonesia for up to one year, obtain a local driver's license, open bank accounts, and enjoy free entry and exit privileges.

Dependent Kitas

Designed for accompanying family members of foreign workers, Dependent Kitas allows spouses and children under 18 to stay in Indonesia. Similar to Spouse Kitas, dependents are prohibited from seeking employment in the country.

Sponsorship and Duration

Dependent Kitas sponsorship is typically provided by the employing company of the main foreign worker. The validity period aligns with the primary permit and can be extended accordingly.

Documentation Requirements

Applicants need to submit essential documents such as an application letter, passport, marriage certificate (if applicable), and proof of financial stability. Additionally, pandemic-related documents like vaccination certificates and health insurance are mandatory.

Choosing the Right Permit

Deciding between Spouse and Dependent Kitas hinges on your specific circumstances and preferences. Whether you prioritize family reunification or compliance with employment regulations, understanding the nuances of each permit is crucial for a smooth transition to life in Indonesia.


Navigating the intricacies of Indonesian stay permits for mixed or dependent marriages necessitates careful consideration of the available options. By comprehending the disparities between Spouse and Dependent Kitas, you can make an informed decision that best suits your family's needs and aspirations in Indonesia.